25 May 2010

Tell Me Mister Owl, How Many Tweets Does It Take?

Do you remember the old adage that everyone in the world was six phone calls away?  It implied that you could, through your network of friends and acquaintances be put in touch with the famous person you wanted to chat with by being introduced to their friends and friends of friends.  Well, with the growth of social media, and with my recent job loss, I got to thinking about ta concept after a phone conversation with an old friend of mine...  How many tweets does it take to reach someone?  In particular, how many people would have to retweet for you to get a new job?

Here is the premise, an individual sends out a tweet telling their friends they are unemployed, what kind of work they want, and a link to their resume or something like their linkedin profile.  Friends retweet and friends of friends retweet (and so on)...  I would be curious to see how many tweets it took for them to get a  solid lead on a job.

Of course, this is the entire model that Linkedin likes to push for their jobs service (association via your network contacts), but I am thinking about it more from an active participation perspective, which I think has many implications for a variety of industries and channels.  Think about selling a used motorcycle, for example.  You could tweet that you have a bike for sale, with a link to the craigslist ad, your friends who share a love of motorcycles retweet (making it much more targeted, as we can assume their friends might have a propensity to like motorcycles as well) and so on.  Eventually, someone might see that you have just the bike they were looking for...

I am sure this has been thought of elsewhere, but it has kept my mind occupied for a few minutes, which is always better than watching TV when you are unemployed.

How many tweets does it take, Mister Owl?

By the way, When I send out my "out of work" tweet, please retweet :-)

EDIT:  If you aren't following me, I can be found @adownie...

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